Minutes for the GGCUA AGM 9 April 2011
Venue: Barge Loch Ness, Seaport Marina
Attended by 23 members, apologies from 10 members.
The Chair offered thanks to Nicky and Adrian for offering the barge Loch Ness to be the venue for the meeting.
Report from the Chair
The Chair provided his report for the previous year detailing the achievements of the Association including:
- British Waterways fitting speed awareness banners on the lock gates at Dochgarroch, which has proved effective in slowing vessels along the canal and particularly when passing moored craft.
- Land management of the canal side banks being sympathetic with the plant and wild life found along it.
- Working together with British Waterways to address the views of the Association.
- Increasing membership to almost double the previous year.
Report from the Treasurer
The Treasurer reported that current balance of funds is £309.55, with membership renewal fees still being received.
Appointment of new Treasurer
As the current Treasurer, Paul Homer, wishes to step down from his position, Jim Mall nominated himself and was seconded by Tom Kent to take over the role. As Jim was unable to attend the meeting the appointment has been provisionally agreed and will be confirmed in the coming days.
The Chair passed on his thanks for Paul for is time in the Treasurer’s role.
Appointment of new Chair
Due to personal commitments the Chair also expressed a desire to stand down.
As no nominations were made, the Chair offered the possibility that other members of the Association take on responsibilities for organising events or taking on specific tasks during the year. This will allow the Chair to continue until such time as a nomination to take on the role is received.
Events for 2011
Suggestions for events in 2011 included:
- A quiz night, possibly involving both GGCUA members and British Waterways staff.
- Boat Jumble on a British Waterways site, and include Findhorn and Cromarty boat clubs.
- Boat flotilla to Foyers, bbq, music and overnight stay.
- Bonfire Night gathering.
- Gala Day, following the success of the one held in 2010.
- An event to coincide with the arrival of approx 40 Danish boats in early July (4 - 6 tbc).
These will be reviewed and sub committee’s set up to co-ordinate and organise each event.
End of minutes
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