Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came along to the Gala on Saturday 4th September.

We were blessed with a fine, warm and sunny day and we hope you enjoyed your time there.

Congratulations to all who won prizes on the Raffle and commiserations to those who didn't!

Don'y forget your entry to the Photograph Competition - Prizes To Be Won!

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to the following,

The six new members of GGCUA who joined on the day

Russell Thomson, Manager of Highland Waterways Scotland, for the very excellent donation to the raffle of a free annual navigation licence.

Caley Marina and the Co-op, Inverness for their generous donation of gift vouchers

Sue Boyland, GGCUA Secretary, for her time, energy, IT skills and as coffee maker extraodinairre

Mike Webster, master seller of raffle tickets and membership promotions expert

Capt. Paul Homer, GGCUA Treasurer, for taking out so many on the pioner multi trips to Loch Ness, and for bringing them back again! and to Alan Hogan, Caley Marina, for lending the boat

Stan the Sound and Lighting Man, for keeping his hair on despite the power supply problems

Inverness Sea Scouts for lending us two fine gazebos

Wilma and Graham for lending us their fine gazebos, and Graham Jnr. for providing muscles to put them up, and take them down, as well as many other heavy weight tasks

Rhona, Dochgarroch Hall, for the loan of tables for the boat jumble

And last, but not least! Our Lock Keeper of the Day.... DJ!.... without whose support none of this would likely have happened.



1 comment:

Dogbad said...

Dave et al,

Glad to hear you had a successful day at the Gala. I full inteneded coming up with my boys and taking part. I am in the oil business and haven't actually been offshore for about ten months but, (yes, you've guessed it!)as soon as I'd made the arrangements to visit.....no need to say any more! I am still offshore as I write this but departing today and coming up to Snekkie on Saturday. See you then probably.

Doug Low ('Lindaluv', soon to be re-named)