Friday, May 21, 2010



A Project in the making over the last two years, now nearing completion, follows the success of the current three recreational routes through the Great Glen, those being by boat, bicycle and by foot.

Over recent years the route has become increasingly popular for canoeists and kayakers and the Great Glen Canoe Trail is now formalising this use including the provision of suitable information and facilities along the way.

The Project is led by British Waterways in association with its partners; Forrestry Commission Scotland, The Great Glen Way/Highland Council, the Scottish Canoe Association, Scottish Natural Heritage and various local activity providers.

We have recently had contact from Project Officer, Donald MacPherson, who has provided us with information about the Trail and by Trail Design Consultant, Rob Robertson, who has asked for input from GGCUA regarding any issues that may arise for Association members in respect of the proposed plans, eg: safety concerns, general improvements to the Trail and new facilities etc.

There will be some discussion with Rob next week and we will report back to you afterwards.

In the meantime, if you would like further information and/or wish to make any comment, please get in touch.

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