Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How about this then?



Thank you to Ian, our first "Team Blogger".

We hope many more of you will sign up in the near future. If you haven't received the latest GGCUA mailout about open access for members to this blog site, please get in touch and we'll provide you with all the information you need.

Thought I'd try uploading a photograph to see if that works too. Seems to. This is a stoat clearing out a brown rat's nest from canalside undergrowth opposite my boat at Dochgarroch about 18 months ago. Watched him/her for about twenty minutes (lots of photos) as five rats were disposed off.

Anyone else got wildlife photos from The Caledonian Canal?

Looking forward to your posts.

From David Bird

Hi Everybody!

If I can get here, anyone can so let's be hearing from you!

Ian Chatham.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Latest News from GGCUA

Thank you to all who attended the recent Association meeting.

The matters arising of: new bridge opening times, health and safety at electricity bollards and speeding craft on the canal have been forwarded to British Waterways for comment which we will feedback to you once received.

It has been decided to offer the Association membership "open access" to this blog site in order that you can post your own blogs. These can be anything from boat stuff wanted, or for sale, sharing waterways experiences, passing on relevant information etc., etc. All that we ask is that your blogs are lawful and that you do not change the structure of the site itself.

The new password and instructions on how to post a blog will be sent to you shortly.

It was also decided to put together a GGCUA boat gathering later on in the summer. We will get back to you re. dates and venue etc. shortly. We will also look at putting on a boat jumble which has proven popular in the past.

Last but not least, we would like to welcome Sue Boyland onboard the Association committee as Secretary. Thank you to Sue. For the time being, both David Bird and Paul Homer will continue in their roles as Chair and Treasurer respectively.

In the meantime, we wish you all a great start to the new boating season and look forward to your company in the near future.